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New rules to attract non-EU students, researchers and interns to the EU


Harmonised EU entry and residence rules to make it easier and more attractive for people from third countries to study or do research at EU universities were approved by Europan Parliament. The new rules clarify and improve conditions for non-EU interns, volunteers, school pupils and au pairs. EU directives set goals that EU countries must achieve while leaving it to up them to decide how best to do it. The new directive revises previous legislation in place since 2004.

Here are some of the changes:

- students and researchers to be allowed to work during their mobility period
for at least 15 hours a week;
- after study or research, foreign students will be allowed to stay for up to nine
months in a EU country to look for work or set up a business;
- family members of researchers coming to Europe will be allowed to accompany them
and to look for work;
- it will also be easier for foreign nationals to move around Europe. They will no longer need
to apply for a new visa, but simply notify the second country to which they are moving.