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Living in EuropeHealth insurance, Medical careCroatia

Zdravstveno osiguranje i medicinska skrb


Zdravstveno osiguranje u Hrvatskoj dijeli se na obvezno, dopunsko i privatno zdravstveno osiguranje.

Obvezno zdravstveno osiguranje provodi Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje (HZZO) i njime se svim osiguranim osobama osiguravaju prava i obveze iz obveznog zdravstvenog osiguranja po načelima uzajamnosti, solidarnosti i jednakosti. Na obvezno zdravstveno osiguranje, prema jednoj od osnova osiguranja utvrđenih Zakonom o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju, obvezne su se osigurati sve osobe s prebivalištem u Hrvatskoj te stranci s odobrenim privremenim i stalnim boravkom u Hrvatskoj, ako međunarodnim ugovorom odnosno posebnim zakonom nije drugačije određeno. Prava iz obveznog zdravstvenog osiguranja su pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu (pravo na primarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu, pravo na specijalističko-konzilijarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu, pravo na bolničku zdravstvenu zaštitu, itd.) i pravo na novčane naknade (naknadu plaće tijekom bolovanja, rodiljni dopust, naknada za troškove smještaja uz dijete za vrijeme bolničkog liječenja djeteta,itd.).

S druge strane, dopunsko zdravstveno i privatno osiguranje korisnici osobno ugovaraju s pružateljem osiguranja uz ugovaranje plaćanja mjesečne premije.


In Croatia, foreigners are also entitled on full medical care and need to have a health care insurance. After registration to the Croatian Health Insurance Fund every foreigner needs to choose his/hers general practitioner or family doctor. General practitioner or family doctor is first point of contact for any illness except for emergencies. He or she will direct you to specialists when needed. You can choose a doctor, who has a contract with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and will provide you with health care services free of charge (contribution for participation costs of healthcare services amounts to 10, 00 HRK). You can also choose a doctor who has not concluded a contract with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and will charge you provided health care services in full amount.

Croatian hospitals provide a high level of medical care to its patients and in case of a medical need, you should contact the hospital which has a contract with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund, as they will provide health care services for free. But in order to use their services you will need a referral from your general practitioner or family doctor. For hospital treatment you will be charged with the amount of participation in healthcare costs per invoice, which can amount to maximum of 2.000, 00 HRK in total, i.e. 100, 00 HRK per day.

The same rule applies also for choosing a dentist - you can choose the one who has a contract with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and will provide his dental services for free (contribution for participation costs of healthcare services amounts to 10, 00 HRK) or you can choose the one who has not concluded an agreement with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and will charge provided health care services in full amount.


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